Choosing a Personalised Wedding Song Anniversary Gift

Wedding Song Anniversary Gift

A 2nd wedding anniversary is a very special occasion and what better way to celebrate than with a fabulous gift? Whether it’s a ring or a bouquet, it’s a gift you can both enjoy. The first step to buying a wedding anniversary gift is thinking about who the lucky recipient is. It doesn’t have to be a family member as long as it’s a close friend of the bride or groom.

wedding song anniversary gift

2nd Wedding song anniversary gift is something very special that your loved one gave you on your 2nd wedding anniversary. It may be a beautiful hand-crafted watch, jewelry or even a nice car. Ideally you want to ensure that you say thank you and then give them the greatest gift ever, so all you need to do is make certain you get it back in pristine condition. I have some useful advice for you if you are in this position.

When I bought my personalised brushed metallic song soundwave print for my mother’s wedding song anniversary gift, it was a real surprise. It looked fantastic when it arrived at my door but two weeks later I managed to ruin it. My sister-in-law quickly spotted the smudged lipstick stain on the front of her dress and she dragged it off with some cleaning soap. My wedding song anniversary gift turned into a nightmare as I had forgotten the card inside and I never got round to giving her the thank you gift.

Fortunately I was able to find another lovely personalised brushed metal song-thing which my sister-in-law still has. The wedding song belonged to my great aunt and as such it went to my grandmother. However the problem was that she had been very careful not to put any sentimental items in the packet. She had also taken great care to wrap it well and to place each card inside very carefully. My great aunt also has a wedding song collection which I knew she would be sad without.

I decided to go for another route and buy my great-grandmother’s wedding songs and add them to my personalised brushed metal song thing. This has worked out nicely because my sister-in-law always puts her pride and feelings into her gifts and she has absolutely adored all the wedding songs my Grandmother chose to play at the wedding. It has added a real sense of romance to our lives.

My wedding song collection has been growing over the years and my son and daughter-in-law have started to add bits to it. My son has managed to acquire a whole album of Celtic music, which my wife began playing at the wedding and absolutely loved. We have also managed to get a personalised wedding song box for the door which has enabled us to keep a collection of wedding songs on hand for our regular music plays at the wedding and reception. My wedding song collection has certainly come a long way since the days when I was giving away wedding songs at every wedding I attended!

Updated on – September 8, 2024

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